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Stoneblazer applications are specially designed for natural stones with the formulations made up of high quality polymers from Germany. The speciality of the application is that it doesn’t block breathing of the stone surface and thus retains the beauty of natural stone without making any changes on the surface unless desired.

    Weatherblazer Si Paint

Unique application with an enormous promise of adaptability and versatility. Weatherblazer Paint made with Silicone Resin are one of the most advanced and preferred painting systems in developed countries due to many advantages over film forming painting systems. Unlike the various film-forming coatings such as those based on acrylic or other synthetic resins, building materials that have been treated with Weatherblazer Paint retain their vapour permeability.


A single component universal thermal insulating water resistant structural protective system with an innovation of third generation advanced polymer technology – a linear aliphatic polymer based formulation. It is an advanced chemical technology system which on application forms a waterproof elastomeric seal in the form of monolithic uniform coat that provides protection from ultraviolet & Infra-red rays, ageing and normal weathering. It reflects heat and also does not allow the heat flux transmission. It reduces building maintenance cost as well as saves air conditioning energy.


This application keeps the exposed brick/concrete walls even on the exteriors as new even after years of construction, bringing the dreams of Architects’ and Designers’ come true who are fond of using exposed bricks/ raw concrete but were restricted due to the high maintenance of the same.

    Wallblazer Clear

Specialised waterproofing application for walls.

    Wallblazer Ultra

High performance protective elastomeric coating for walls.